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Frederikssund, Denmark

The merging of Frederikssund, Jægerspris, Skibby and Slangerup municipalities to the new Frederikssund Municipality in January 2007 has been the largest and most comprehensive in North Zealand, and Frederikssund can, as the third largest municipality in North Sealand, now itself as one of Copenhagen's main development areas. The municipality has a high participation rate, low unemployment and a diverse business community.

By area, Frederikssund Municipality is the third largest in North Zealand, and has magnificent landscapes, with easy access to coast and countryside.

Situated an hour's drive from Copenhagen, Frederikssund municipality is an attractive settlement municipality.

The vision is that the municipality must be a strong, sustainable and development-oriented part of the Capital Region and a center for the development of exciting residential areas and business development.

Frederikssund municipality has the greatest potential for development throughout the Capital Region, as the municipality holds the largest total area for residential and industrial development in the region. One area in particular, the Store Rørbæk area, is an area where proper planning from the start can ensure the combination of green wedges and residential and commercial areas today demanded from many sides. The area is approximately 350 acres.

The municipality in fast numbers:

Population: 44,307

Labor force: 23,029

 Number km²: 248.63

Frederikssund Municipality is also known for its beautiful scenery and historical buildings (churches, castles and estates). Frederikssund city, however, is probably best known for its Viking show. Each summer in late June and early July is viking-time in Frederikssund. It has been so since 1952, when the first Viking show was held in the area's most beautiful outdoor scene. Each year more than 250 adults and children dress up in their viking clothes and do their show on the open air stage, where they set the frame for a show that leads the audience back to the dramatic stories of the Vikings.

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